Friday, February 19, 2010

Sixth form.

Hi, Assalamualaikum.

Actually, I wanted to continue my study at Maktab Duli but babah told me to go to PTEM with Abang Amin. PFFFFFT. But it doesn't matter. So I'm going to PTEM this year.

I just realized that I haven't posted about my result here. Well, I got 7 'O's. Alhamdulillah. I didn't managed to get credits for my biology and chemistry, only D. Actually, I thought I'd get 3 'O's only. But where did I get another extra 4 'O's? Heeheheh.

I won't forget the day I got my result, 6th february 2010. I was very happy, and I still am. Dykeh, I just read your blog and yes, I was crying. That was the first time I cried at school, I've been studying for 12 years and that was my FIRST time...... and the LAST time. Malu waaah. I was crying because I was happy and I was shocked. Tapi masa result o'level june gagah ia aing mata ah, padahal inda dapat apa-apa.

I found it difficult to choose my subjects for A level. I was about to take physics. Tapi inda match dengan history and sociology. So digantilah dengan geography.

Okay, it's time for lunch. I should stop now.

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